
Emirates Airlines Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 12.2K Followers
3 years ago

Emirates Ramps Up US Flights from October to Meet Increasing Demand | #emirates #internationaltravel #flightstoUS #DubaitoBoston #DubaitoDallas #DubaitoNewYork #DubaitoSanFrancisco #DubaitoSeattle #DubaitoWashingtonDC #hozpitality

Emirates Ramps Up US Flights from October to Meet Increasing Demand

Emirates Ramps Up US Flights from October to Meet Increasing Demand

Airline to restore US services to nearly 80% of pre-COVID levels by October and to more than 90% by December

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 265.6K Followers
3 years ago

Survey: 86% of UAE Travellers Seek International Holidays in 2021/2022 with Europe Set to Dominate | #dnata #survey #travel #emilyjenkins #triptoeurope #holidays #dnatatravel #internationaltravel #hozpitality

Survey: 86% of UAE Travellers Seek International Holidays in 2021/2022 with Europe Set to Dominate

Survey: 86% of UAE Travellers Seek International Holidays in 2021/2022 with Europe Set to Dominate

56% indicated a plan to travel to Europe for their next holiday.

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 265.6K Followers
4 years ago

April Travel Demand a Tale of Two Markets: Domestic Recovery and International Stagnation | #internationalairtransportassociation #taleoftwomarkets #domestictravel #internationaltravel #travelrestrictions #williewalsh #hozpitality

April Travel Demand a Tale of Two Markets: Domestic Recovery and International Stagnation

April Travel Demand a Tale of Two Markets: Domestic Recovery and International Stagnation

Domestic travel demand improved in April 2021 while recovery in international passenger travel continued to be stalled.

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 265.6K Followers
4 years ago

Growing Optimism as Mauritius Prepares to Open Borders | #mauritius #internationaltravel #internationalairtransportassociation #tourismeconomics #travelprotocols #mauritiustourismpromotionauthority #mauritiusreopens #hozpitality

Growing Optimism as Mauritius Prepares to Open Borders

Growing Optimism as Mauritius Prepares to Open Borders

Mauritius to open borders to international travel around mid-2021.

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 265.6K Followers
4 years ago

CDC’s new mandate calls for new jobs for the hospitality industry | #recoverymode #newjobs #tourismindustry #internationaltravel #hozpitality

CDC’s new mandate calls for new jobs for the hospitality industry

CDC’s new mandate calls for new jobs for the hospitality industry

The news brings a fresh ray of light for the tourism and hospitality industry. It also means more hospitality jobs are on the horizon to meet the requirement of Spring and summer travellers.