Operations Manager - Veritos Infosolutions Pvt. Ltd. India | 1.6K Followers
3 years ago

Whether people support you or not in your bad times; Your faith, restrained mind and positive thoughts become your biggest strength, which gives you the power to face your bad times.

#life #personallife #stressfreelife #happiness #mindfulness #choice #selfcare #wellness

Operations Manager - Veritos Infosolutions Pvt. Ltd. India | 1.6K Followers
4 years ago

We did not choose to be born the way we are; the creator made that choice and, the choice he had made not only is beautiful but also has a purpose. Try to understand that and live happily as much as you can.

#life #choice #birth #personallife #happiness

Operations Manager - Veritos Infosolutions Pvt. Ltd. India | 1.6K Followers
4 years ago

#stressfreelife #happylife #personallife #professionallife

Some rules that I follow to live a stress-free professional and personal life.

Never believe anything that I did not witness when happened.

Never buy any narrative completely the way it gets narrated.

Never see people through other's eyes.

Never allow conspirators to circle me.

Never give a chance to the instigators to accomplish their mission.

Always believe in giving a chance to the one who has committed numerous mistakes time and again.

Always respond with a dynamic smile when someone tries to test my patience.

Always stay composed no matter how badly the earth may shake.

Always believe in self. Believe in Karmas and Believe in the one who has created us.
